I Love My Kids.....

I Love My Kids.....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baby Update

I went to the dr April 14. Everything is going good. We made the desicion to have Sophie naturally instead of a c-section.  With everything that I went through with Ethan, my dr was giving me the choice to have a c-section. But after really thinking about it and praying, Jeramy and I decided to a regular delivery.  The dr of course can not guarantee that I will not develop another hematoma, but she said it is highly unlikely that I will. So I am putting my trust in God to take care of me and help me have a safe delivery.
I am growing each week and Sophie is becoming more active. We can't wait to see her! And I can't believe I am already in my 3rd tri-mester. She will be here soon!

April 20, 6mths

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Starbucks Dress

Can you believe that my mom made this Starbucks dress out of the coffee sleeves? At her work, KBR, they have an Earth Day event where the employees can make something out of recycled items. Last year she made a dress and hat out of newspaper. She won 1st prize for it! YOU GO MOM!

Sunday Afternoon

Ethan found Dylan's old batman swim gear and wanted to put it on.

While doing some yard work, Jeramy found a small snake. Of course I freaked out when I saw what he had, even though it was that small.
Ethan was touching it and was not scared for Jeramy to put it up close to him. He kept making faces at it.

Little Miss Strawberry

Ava(my niece) participated in the Little Miss Strawberry pageant.  She won Miss Queen(1st), Best Smile, and Most Beautiful.  We were so excited! This is her first pageant.  My brother walked her out on stage and she did really good. Of course we sat in the 2nd row, yelling her name and getting her to smile.  She was so excited when she saw that she was getting a trophie.

Easter At Home!

Easter morning we surprised the boys with Easter baskets from us. They were very excited because I filled it with different types of bubble gum and some new stuff.

Ethan was super excited because he got the new Alvin and the Chimpmunks movie.
He already knows the movie by heart and acts just like Alvin.

Easter at the Park!

We celebrated Easter with my mom, her husband Richard, my G-Ma, sister in law, Monica, and my nephew, neice, Vic and Ava. We went to the our favorite park and bar-b-qued, and hid eggs for the kids.  They had a lot of fun. Monica brought the kids huge lollie pops to eat. My mom gave all the kids their Easter baskets, which were so cute. We had a lot of fun. Spending time with our family is the best.
Dylan 10yrs and Ethan 3yrs

Ethan is going through this stage where he always wants to pick me flowers. He is so sweet to his mommy. He keeps telling me he is going to bring me flowers to the hospital when I have Sophie.

Getting ready to hunt Easter eggs!

The kids loved these big lollie pops. Looks like daddy loved it also.

Ethan had so much fun running from egg to egg trying to get them before Dylan and Lit Vic.  Every now and then he would take one to Ava.

Monica (Sisiter-in-Law) and my neice Ava.  She looked so cute in her white Easter dress and hat. She did a great job of keeping up with the boys and getting lots of eggs.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dying Easter Eggs

We had a lot of fun dying Easter eggs. My sister in law, Monica and my nephew and neice came over to join in on the fun.  Dylan had a brillant idea to dye the eggs and  draw them with a permenant mark. So of course Ethan and Vic had to do it also. It was really funny watching them try to draw faces.
Ethan was acting like his eggs were his eyes.
Vic and his Hannibal egg.
Ethan kept calling his egg a monster.

Easter Cupcakes

The boys and I made Easter cupcakes for Ethan's class. If you know me, I do not like to cook and I never bake; however, I'm starting to like making cupcakes. And I guess I'm really going to have to start learning how to bake things since we are having a girl. Jeramy is the one that bakes cookies with the boys!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hospital Trip

I had to go to the hospital last Tuesday because I was having sever backpain. I thought I had just pulled a muscle from picking up Ethan but by the end of school my back was hurting really bad. I decided to call the doctor to be on the safe side and she sent me to the hospital. Lucky, I only had one contraction while I was there. So they started to run test to make sure I did not have a bladder or kidney infection. They also had to do an ultrasound on my kidneys.  All my test results came back good, no infection. We found out that Sophie is laying on the part that connects my kidney and bladder and it is putting pressure on it, which is making my back hurt.  There is nothing they can do, and I can not take any pain medicine. We just have to wait until she moves.

I took Wednesday off to stay in bed. Went to school Thursday and tired to relax over the three day weekend. Over the weekend Jeramy and Dylan moved my school furniture around so I could easily sit at my table with a heating pad while I teach.

Today, I feel a lot better. I sat the majority of the day with a heating pad on my back. I'm just glad I made it through the day. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Dylan, Ethan, and Sophie

Dylan, Ethan, and Sophie