I Love My Kids.....

I Love My Kids.....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dying Easter Eggs

We had a lot of fun dying Easter eggs. My sister in law, Monica and my nephew and neice came over to join in on the fun.  Dylan had a brillant idea to dye the eggs and  draw them with a permenant mark. So of course Ethan and Vic had to do it also. It was really funny watching them try to draw faces.
Ethan was acting like his eggs were his eyes.
Vic and his Hannibal egg.
Ethan kept calling his egg a monster.


  1. Hope you had a great Easter. The eggs looked great!

  2. I have so many fun memories of dying Easter egss with Seth and Sara--even into their teens!! It is good to see how much you enjoy doing the little things with your family. Thanks for the little peek into your family's life.


Dylan, Ethan, and Sophie

Dylan, Ethan, and Sophie